The Who Was? Show was a new offering on Netflix with a target audience of young children. Actors portrayed various famous people throughout history and the show explained two important figures per episode. My job for episode 9 was to remove an eyeline prop to clean an area where an animated element would be placed to interact with some live action actors.
I used After Effects for all tracking, masking, and painting; and Photoshop for any support work to clean plates.
Until the animated woman was added later, the actors needed to aim their eyes at something so they would all be looking in the proper direction. Here you can see both the animation and the prop in the same shot.
Here's an image from one of the TIF sequences I was working on. I needed to track, mask and paint out the stick/ball prop along with any shadows it created. The muted color will be corrected later as a last step.
I still needed to make some clean plates for the table and background, but here's an example of some of my progress. You can see I have the left arm of Andrew Daly (the actor in the suit) already taken care of.
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