K-Y Social Videos

My Role

My task here was to edit these 3 videos in order to adapt longer finalized production versions to fit the specs for re-posting on Instagram Feed. The source videos were 25–30 seconds long, at the rectangular 16:9 ratio, and they needed to be roughly 6 seconds long at the square 1:1 ratio. They also needed to include captions for any human speech. This meant the 30-second storylines needed to be shortened, and many of the graphic and copy elements needed to be adjusted (most were removed but some were actually added as substitutes).

I used Premiere for the editing; After Effects for any graphics, cleanup and timing; and Photoshop for asset prep and some more precise cleanup jobs.

The Process

KY notes

The storyboard outlined which elements to keep and get rid of. Some were tricky to work with, because the brand didn’t have some of the editable originals.

Sourcing assets

Assets were sourced from the brand’s collection of photos and videos, and I had to do some pretty extensive masking to extract lockups that were fully baked into other production videos.


Footage was cut, enlarged, and stabilized using After Effects, and some of the audio was tweaked in Premiere so the remaining speech could continue to flow in an appropriate, conversational way.


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